Annual Report
We are the Queensland
Council of Social Service
Our vision is to achieve equality, opportunity and wellbeing for every person, in every community
We believe that every person in Queensland – regardless of where they come from, who they pray to, their gender, who they love, how or where they live – deserves to live a life of equality, opportunity and wellbeing.
We are a conduit for change. We bring people together to help solve the big social issues faced by people in Queensland, building strength in numbers to amplify our voice. We connect communities, our members, the sector, other peak bodies, government and business, collaborating with our diverse stakeholders to create social change.
Our year in numbers
Our strategic plan
2019 - 2023
Our vision is for equality, opportunity and wellbeing for every person in every community. Our strengths and focus lie in six key areas.
The work we do relies on these areas being connected. Together, they enable us to truly create a movement for change; a movement that will create equality, opportunity and wellbeing for all people in all communities.
Rebooting the system
Overturning systems and structures that create and perpetuate inequality
The 2020 Queensland election provided the platform for a year of advocacy. Based on feedback from members, QCOSS’ Recovery for All Queenslanders campaign inserted into the election debate the needs of Queenslanders most affected by the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. QCOSS reiterated these needs through budget submissions before both the December 2020 and June 2021 Queensland budgets.
QCOSS, together with 12 member organisations, also launched the Town of Nowhere campaign this financial year, calling for a substantial increase to government investment in social housing.
Town of Nowhere Campaign Launch, Brisbane
Being in service
Supporting a service system that reflects the community in which it operates
In 2020-21, QCOSS facilitated a range of programs, networks, resources and supports for the social service sector to improve organisation policies and procedures and to make sure information is disseminated in a timely fashion.
We supported the sector to respond to, live through and recover from the COVID-19 crisis.
Shed 3, Townsville
Starting a revolution
Engaged, inclusive and thriving communities
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, QCOSS has engaged our sector on how COVID-19 has impacted Queensland communities and advocated for specific and meaningful change for those most affected by it.
This important work came in addition to QCOSS' existing projects, which continue to demonstrate how social policy can positively impact individual lives. The projects ground QCOSS in specific communities, as project coordinators work with small groups or individuals to help them access services such as education, employment, housing, interpreter services, financial and health supports.
Leading together
Inviting and motivating people and organisations to walk with us because we are stronger together
In 2020-21, we collaborated with the Australia-wide COSS network to progress issues of national importance, including the devastating economic impacts of COVID-19, the importance of adequate welfare payments, climate change impacts on vulnerable communities, and making energy and water affordable.
We also further enhanced our focus on engaging with and responding to the needs of our members, connecting them with policy makers across a number of events and workshops throughout the year.
The Hon Coralee O’Rourke MP
Dr Christian Rowan MP
QCOSS State Election Leaders Debate (October 2020)
Karla Brady, CEO
Inala Wangarra
Joining forces
Galvanising a force for equality, opportunity and wellbeing
QCOSS’ research agenda is shaped by the issues in our community, which in turn shapes our advocacy. This year, our reports have examined the economic impacts of COVID-19 on different Queensland demographics, the effect of COVID-19 on consumer energy vulnerability, and the cost of living in Queensland in 2020.
Walking the talk
Being a strong, sustainable and relevant leader
Over the course of 2020-21, the QCOSS Board and management team have strengthened collaborative planning, strategic decision-making and effective and transparent governance across the organisation, with a particular focus on establishing sustainable systems.
2021 Revenue
Grant Project Funding
Other Revenue
Management & General
Project Expenses
2021 Expenses
2021 Net Assets
Net assets
2021 Total Assets/Liabilities
Total assets
Total liabilities